Lin Schmidt



Current situation and upcoming Shows

I now have 5 paintings available for rental from the Artothèque in Nay :

La Minoterie

22, chemin de la Minoterie · 64800 NAY

Tél. 05 59 13 91 42

Open Thurs. to Sun. from 2pm to 6pm

currently back in the studio, working!!! To ee (hommage à e.e. cummings),  40 x 40 cm 2 Dark Squares, 30 x 30 cm Small White Square I, 15 x 15 x 6cm Wind, encaustic on canvas

After ONE - V I have felt a slight burn out with shows.

Fed up with looking for more, and too broke to enroll for all the invitations to Art Fairs.

It happens. I need to go back to the essentials, an artist needs to work, to discover, and create!

If I do change my mind I will kinform you, of course!

And Nayart collaborated with the Médiathèque (Library) of Tarbes on a group show I was part of:

Les Champs de la Couleur et de la Matière (Fields of Color and Texture)

It was an interesting experience, especially the meeting between the public and 3 of the artists from the show.

People have a need for culture, and it is enriching for the artists as well.